Categories: CollegeLife

Tuition Rewards – How They Work

What are Tuition Reward Points? SAGE Tuition Rewards is a unique private college savings program. Tuition Reward Points are like frequent flyer miles – but for college tuition! Tuition Rewards are discounts off tuition at participating private colleges and universities. The Tuition Reward Points represent theminimum scholarship that an eligible student will receive if and when he or she attends a member school. Schools may count Tuition Rewards as part of their normal institutional and merit scholarships. For example, if a student has 10,000 Tuition Reward Points, he or she is guaranteed to receive a minimum scholarship of $10,000 (spread equally over four years) at a SAGE member school.

Sponsors – the Account Holders Throughout our website and documentation we frequently use the term “Sponsor”. A “Sponsor” is typically the parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle who is the owner of the financial product that is earning Tuition Rewards. Sponsors are required to register on our website to be able to track and utilize the Tuition Reward Points. Sponsors are responsible for adding students to their Tuition Rewards account, assigning Tuition Reward Points to their students, and submitting Tuition Reward Points to member colleges and universities.

Earning Tuition Reward Points Typically, you can earn Tuition Rewards by working one or more of our financial partners, or by purchasing eligible insurance plans that are partnered with SAGE to provide Tuition Rewards as a benefit. The more you invest with our Financial Partners, and the longer that you are a SAGE member, the more Tuition Reward Points you’ll earn! 

Using Tuition Reward Points Each Tuition Rewards Point equals one dollar in guaranteed scholarships at a SAGE member school. If a student receives 10,000 Tuition Reward Points he or she is guaranteed to receive scholarships and other discounts of at least $10,000, spread evenly over four years ($2,500 per year). Tuition Reward Points are typically earned by the “Sponsor” (parent, grandparent etc.) and credited to the Sponsor’s Tuition Rewards account. It is up to the Sponsor to assign some or all of their Tuition Reward Points to students listed on their account. Tuition Reward Points must be assigned to a student by August 31st between the student’s junior and senior years in high school (August 31st of the year prior to high school graduation). After that date, a student’s Tuition Rewards account value can not be changed. When a SAGE student applies to a participating school, that student’s Sponsor needs to submit the student’s Tuition Rewards statement to that school. This is done by the sponsor by logging onto and going to the “Account Statement” page. Tuition Rewards Statements must be submitted to member colleges and universities at the time of application. Statements submitted after an institution has prepared a financial aid package for the student may invalidate the Tuition Rewards. The use of Tuition Rewards is limited to full-time, undergraduate tuition at participating colleges. Tuition Rewards are remitted solely as a reduction to the participating college’s full tuition bill — and NOT awarded in cash. Colleges reserve the right to use the tuition reduction as part of, or separate from, any financial aid packages. Member schools are not required to accept Tuition Rewards on transfer students. If a student does not use his/her Tuition Reduction Reward — for example, if the student selects a nonparticipating college — the reward can be rolled back into the sponsors Tuition Rewards account or transferred to a different eligible student. Students have three years from the date of high school graduation to begin use of the Tuition Rewards. All Tuition Rewards assigned to a student will expire three years past that student’s listed date of high school graduation. If a student enrolls in a college that is not participating in this program — but subsequently decides to participate — the college is under no obligation to honor his or her Tuition Rewards. If any college should decide to discontinue participation in this program, it has agreed to honor rewards accumulated for any student prior to the last day of the college’s participation. The maximum discount from Tuition Rewards that a student can receive is 25% of the cost of tuition at a SAGE member college or university **. The Tuition Reward must be applied evenly over the years of undergraduate education (four years). If the student completes undergraduate education in other than four years, it is up to the participating college to determine how the tuition reduction will be applied per year.


Students may be sponsored and receive Tuition Reward Points from multiple sponsors (ex: parents & grandparents,). A sponsor designates the Tuition Reward Points to students before August 31st between the student’s junior and senior years in high school. A sponsor may provide Tuition Rewards to children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Students are eligible to be added to the SAGE Tuition Rewards Program from birth until the beginning of their junior year in high school (August 31st between the sophomore and junior years in high school is the cut-off date).

Communication With Colleges Participating colleges may send information to high school students and their families enrolled in the SAGE program — enabling colleges to communicate to members who fit the college’s student profile. Under no circumstances are investment details or account balances ever divulged to participating colleges.

No Restriction On How You Pay for College Specific investments that have been used for the calculation of Tuition Reward Points need NOT be used for payment of college expenses. For example, you may not want to sell appreciated assets at this time, deferring capital gains tax. With the SAGE Tuition Rewards Program, you choose how you pay for college.

College Admission & Transfers Our college list keeps growing, giving your child a larger number of schools to choose from. Rewards can only be used at participating colleges. Students do NOT need to pick a particular college now — that’s one beauty of the SAGE program. Students must apply and be accepted through a participating colleges’ normal admissions procedures to qualify for the reward. SAGE membership is not considered in the admissions process. If students transfer from one participating college to another, the college accepting the student has the right to decide whether it will honor any unused Tuition Rewards. If your child is a SAGE member but does not attend a participating college, you may have to pay “list price” for a college education. Being part of our unique college savings program will put you closer to meeting your financial goals. In all ways, SAGE will help you save for college!


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